
“Mia has a meticulous eye for detail and is able to manipulate language to accurately and succinctly convey meaning. You won’t be disappointed.”

Kim Paterson, Programmes Manager, Wellington, NZ

“Mia is a multi-lingual, expressive, quick and energetic woman. She is an avid lover of word and phrase, with a perceptive eye for what they say about a person and a curiosity for what that person is trying to say. Proofreading and editing the written word is, as a result, an easy fit for her.
Mia has edited my work in a seamless manner, giving clear instruction and perceptive comment. I enjoy her direct manner and particularly her sharp sense of humour. In fact she would make a great character for a book!”

Linzi Irving, Author, Port Chalmers, NZ

Ciao a tutti

I have been working at Cinecittà Studios, Rome, since 2021 setting up the administration of governmental grants to support the Italian Film Industry.

I’ve studied and had conversation in English with Mia for about two years. She was always very professional and helpful. She easily and effectively communicated how to correct my grammatical errors  in both speaking and writing and improved my self-editing.

Also, having a proofreader and copy editor who speaks your language, Italian in my case, was very important for the fast turnaround of documents therefore adding to the service provided.

Paolo del Canuto, Rome, Italy, 2023